GIFT CERTIFICATES | Guest InstructorsGIFT CERTIFICATES | Guest Instructors

Guest Instructors

Coming in January 2022!

Private Citizen Home Defense Shotgun w/ John Correia


8 hours

This one day class from our guest instructors is set up to give you an advance look at using your shotgun for home defense.

Private Citizen Home Defense Shotgun prepares a home defender to properly utilize a shotgun in defense of home and family in evidence-based ways. We will focus our efforts on the skills most necessary to prevail in home defense using a pump-action or semi-automatic shotgun. We will consider recoil mitigation and proper push-pull technique, accuracy standards, running the gun with speed, proper loading techniques, proper choice of defensive ammunition, patterning, and defending against single and multiple attackers.

Sign Up Now
This class will be held on Saturday January, 8th from 8am – 5pm at CowTown Range

Required Equipment:

  • 250 Rounds of Birdshot (please do not bring Winchester Super X if possible – it tends to run poorly)
  • 25 Rounds of the Buckshot the student intends to use for home defense
  • 10 Slugs (Foster or Brenneke, but no Sabot please)
  • Eye & Ear Protection
  • Shotgun you use for homestead defense – preferably a pump or semi-auto shotgun in 12ga or 20ga
    • It would be beneficial if the shotgun had a sling on it, but this is not strictly necessary
  • Snacks & Water
  • Brimmed Hat
  • Closed toed shoes & high neckline shirt
  • Knee pads (optional)

Class Prerequisites

  • Any experience with firearms is good, some experience with a shotgun (hunting, defensive, or sport) is recommended
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